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Labour’s Kate Green comments on Ofqual’s announcement that schools can appeal GCSE and A Level results

Kate Green MP, Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary

@KateGreenSU, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Education, commenting on @ofqual’s announcement that schools can appeal GCSE and A-Level Results, said: 


“This belated decision to allow some schools to appeal grades, following repeated concerns being raised by parents, pupils, teachers, and the Labour Party, is welcome, but does not go far enough in ensuring that the system will be fair for all young people. 


“The Scottish Highers scandal shows the potentially devastating consequences of an inflexible system deciding grades, and life chances, by algorithm rather than genuine leadership from government.


“The government should have ensured that Ofqual had a robust appeals system in place from the beginning, instead of announcing one a matter of days before A-Level results. They must do far more to ensure the system is genuinely fair.”

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