From education to employment

New Training Programme Aimed at Independent Garages

The AA Academy Advanced Apprenticeship is a new programme which will train apprentices from independent garages in all aspects of the motor industry.

It has been developed in collaboration with the apprentice learning division of Carter & Carter, a leading provider of government funded learning for the motor industry and recruitment is set to start immediately. Aimed primarily at 16-18 year olds, the three year academy is expected to hold 400 learners initially, a number that should grow year by year.

The programme is also open to apprentices up to the age of 24, with training centres in Basingstoke, The East Midlands, Newport in South Wales, Middlesbrough and Glasgow. Steve Yardley, vocational learning director with Carter & Carter, said: “We are delighted to enter into this partnership with the AA to deliver a national apprenticeship programme for the independent garage sector…The AA’s involvement in this new initiative will bring significant benefits, not least of which is the enhanced recognition of the programme as a result of the AA brand.”

Training the Professionals of Tomorrow

The apprenticeship course lasts three years and combines workplace, classroom based and e-learning, on either day or block release. Training is included for technical, body and paint, heavy vehicle, motor cycle and public service vehicle technicians, along with parts apprentices and service advisers. For the first time, training will also be given to cover roadside assistance. Gary Davenport, vocational learning manager for the programme has been keen to stress that the new apprenticeship is open to youngsters, both male and female and of any ethnic group.

Alan Mackrill, Director of Learning and skills at the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI), the automotive sector’s professional association and awarding body for the AA apprenticeship, said: “With the exponential advances in automotive technology, it’s critical that the motor industry recruits capable and motivated individuals and helps them develop their skills. This new apprenticeship programme for the AA provides a further opportunity to encourage aspirational young people into an exciting and rewarding career. Once qualified, the IMI looks forward to welcoming these apprentices into membership, as they are the professionals of tomorrow.”

Steve Lambert, national recruitment and development manager of the AA, said: “I am confident that it will prove to be highly attractive to garage proprietors as it will generate highly productive staff who will add value to their businesses. It should also appeal to youngsters between the ages of 16 and 18 who should regard it as a springboard into a long term career in the motor industry.”

Joel Goldman

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