Nine regional workshops to promote the £10m Flexible Learning Fund

In the first weeks of 2018, the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) will be hosting nine free regional workshops funded by the Department for Education to promote the £10 million Flexible Learning Fund to employers, adult education providers and other potential bidders.
The Fund welcomes bids submitted on a collaborative basis and the workshops will also provide an opportunity for structured networking to form new partnerships.
The Flexible Learning Fund has been created to support projects that deliver learning to adults in work or returning to work with low or intermediate level skills in ways that are flexible and easy to access.
The Fund has been designed to test different approaches to learning and will provide important evidence on what works, and what does not, in engaging adults with learning.
The workshops will give employers and adult education providers an opportunity to learn more about what is entailed in putting together a successful bid alongside the opportunity to network and potentially partner with others.
Up to £10m funding is available. The Fund offers bidders the chance to apply for up to £1m grant funding however bids for a range of funding amounts are encouraged, including those significantly below the maximum.
The closing date for submitting proposals is 31 January 2018.
Gary Phillips, Director of Professional Development of the Education and Training Foundation said:
“These workshops provide a great opportunity for employers and adult education providers to come together and find out how they can bid for funding for projects to improve the technical or basic skills of adults in their communities and workplaces. It is well recognised that we need to improve adult skills and this fund provides the significant way forward in finding new ways of meeting this challenge.”
The list of dates and bookings include:
Tuesday, 9 Jan 2018 |
Hilton Hotel, Sheffield |
Wednesday, 10 Jan 2018 |
Textile Centre of Excellence, Huddersfield |
Friday, 12 Jan 2018 |
Etc. Venues, Birmingham |
Tuesday, 16 Jan 2018 |
Marriot Hotel, Bristol |
Wednesday, 17 Jan 2018 |
Holiday Inn, Southampton |
Thursday, 18 Jan 2018 |
Marriott Hotel, Peterborough |
Friday, 19 Jan 2018 |
Friends’ House, London |
Workshops in Newcastle and Manchester will be added to the programme, dates TBC
Bookings for the workshops be made here