Northern Skills Network receive funding through the Apprenticeship Workforce Development programme for Green & Sustainable Development Project
We are delighted to announce the Northern Skills Network has been successful in accessing grant funding from the Education & Training Foundation, part of the Apprenticeship workforce development
programme. We will be using this funding to develop & implement a Green & Sustainable Development (GSD) suite of support for apprenticeship providers across the North.
As the regional networks across North we are committed to supporting all FE & Skills learners with gaining the knowledge and understanding on how to live, learn and work more sustainably aware, and we recognise the current support & resource in place is mainly focused on the curriculum areas that have a direct link to the green economy such as those studying electrical vehicle, retrofit and construction-based
apprenticeship provision, however we believe ALL students should have the access to information & all providers should deliver a culture of GSD. We will host a series of roundtables to gain valuable sector and
stakeholder insight, these will run between May & July and aimed at employers, providers, and apprentices. Plus we will host a GSD conference in July to showcase & celebrate the work of the regions and the project.
Our project partner, NCFE, will join a wealth of experience in curriculum development and support the roll out of GSD champions and we look forward to working with colleagues from NCFE and our regional networks to make this community of practice not only a success for the now but also for the future.
Keep an eye on our NSN socials, contact your regional networks or visit our website for more details.