Progress to Excellence Ltd delivers training answers in demanding world of care

IN THE complex and demanding world surrounding care organisations, the difficulties of staff development are being overcome as part of a long-established training partnership with Progress to Excellence Ltd.
A major understanding of how the care industry works and a flexible approach to training has led to around 50 people from The Fed, a leading social care charity in Greater Manchester, successfully having achieved their health and social care qualifications in recent years.
Working with The Fed – the Federation of Jewish Services which looks after hundreds of people of all ages either in their own homes or at Heathlands Village in Prestwich – Progress to Excellence Ltd has, in the main, seen learners attain QCF Diplomas in Health and Social Care from levels 2 to 5.
The company also provides learners at The Fed with qualifications in catering and, more recently, in Learning and Development.
Key to this success, The Fed believes, is how Progress to Excellence Ltd understands the massive difficulties facing care workers when fitting in training with their demanding work schedules.
Alison Lightfoot, Quality Assurance and Development Manager at The Fed, explained: “The assessors are great. They fully understand how a care organisation works and the difficulties that can be faced by us in releasing care staff from their work area for training.
“They accommodate and work around this which benefits everyone.”
The Fed chose Progress to Excellence Ltd as its training provider through a Care Provider group meeting that had acquired funding from the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce. A group decision was then taken to commission Progress to Excellence Ltd to provide health and social care training across its care homes.”
Alison continued: “We also decided on this type of training for our staff, as opposed to college, as it’s work-based. This is preferable to our staff not needing to travel away from the workplace – it’s much more convenient for them.
“The other benefit to our business of having Progress to Excellence Ltd train our staff is that they have all gained knowledge and grown in confidence as well as having achieved a recognised qualification.
“This is a well-practised route for up-skilling care staff particularly and is successful as it’s done in the work environment. Care staff are observed carrying out their tasks and therefore need to evidence a good understanding of their role to enable them to gain their qualification.”
And as for the assessors themselves, she said: “I would definitely recommend Progress to Excellence Ltd to other employers. Assessors are so reliable and helpful and really assist us to keep everyone on track with their qualifications.”
Alison is also delighted with the way assessors appreciate the ethos surrounding The Fed and contribute to day-to-day life there, described as “a happy place” with a community hub where people can continue to live life to the full.
She added: “Our vision is to deliver an outstanding range of health and social care services, focusing on the person and their needs, treating them with dignity and respect.
“We believe in working with our partners so we can provide the best care and support for people not only in our care homes but also for those who choose to be looked after in their own homes too.
“Training our staff is all about them getting to know residents individually so they can provide this excellent care. There’s a friendly, family feeling that’s at the heart of all we do – and something we value in our relationship with Progress to Excellence Ltd.”
Progress to Excellence Ltd offers a full suite of health and social care and business-related qualification to support the training needs of health and social care employers. More information is here or call 0151-650 6933.