CompTIA certifications available anytime, anywhere, in response to COVID-19

@CompTIA Preparing New Certification Exam Testing Options, Extends Expiration Dates for Exam Vouchers in response to #Coronavirus
Vouchers due to expire between 17th March and 30th April 2020 extended to 30th June 2020
CompTIA, the leading provider of vendor-neutral skills certifications and training for information technology (IT) professionals around the world, said today it will soon allow candidates to take their CompTIA certification exams at home, at any time, in a secure testing environment.
“Together with our partner Pearson VUE, CompTIA certification exams will soon be available via a remote testing option so candidates can take their exam whenever and from wherever they choose,” said Todd Thibodeaux, president and CEO of CompTIA.
The remote testing option will be available in approximately 30 days.
Additionally, CompTIA has extended the expiration date on its certification exam vouchers. All CompTIA exam vouchers with an original expiration date between 17th March 2020, and 30th April 2020, are now valid through 30th June 2020.
“Social distancing, indeterminate business hours and other disruptions to normalcy caused by the coronavirus pandemic have made it impractical, if not impossible, for the foreseeable future for the large majority of individuals to take their exams at a brick-and-mortar school or test centre,” Thibodeaux explained.
“We also understand that students urgently need alternative testing options. We hope that by extending the deadline for the use of our exam vouchers and by providing a remote testing option we can eliminate a small measure of uncertainty for our certification candidates,” he said.
For individuals who have already registered for an exam at a Pearson VUE testing centre but would like to instead take a remote proctored exam, CompTIA will offer the option to reschedule their exam.
CompTIA will provide updates on the remote testing programme as the launch date approaches. Similarly, the extension of the exam voucher deadline will be reassessed as events warrant. New information and updates will be available at
CompTIA’s vendor-neutral certifications help millions of IT professionals around the world validate their skills and advance in their careers. CompTIA also offers a full suite of official learning resources, including self-paced and live online training with an instructor. Visit in to learn more.