Saturday club helps young people explore world of art, design and media

Young people from across the borough have been showing off their talent in art, design, technology and media as part of the National Saturday Club programme which has been running at Barking & Dagenham College (@BarkingCollege).
The National Saturday Club Trust is a charity supported by the Department for Education and Arts Council England. It offers young people aged 13-16, a free opportunity to learn new skills, discover more on subjects that they enjoy and to learn more about Further and Higher Education and future careers.
Barking & Dagenham College launched the programme on campus earlier this year. This week saw the culmination of all the participants efforts, when they put on a club showcase to present all their work to their friends and family.
Every Saturday for 10 weeks, some 50 young people attended special art, design and technology programmes at the College and within the new East London Institute of Technology.
The classes consisted of everything from a taste of Esports and the roles within the industry, to art and design which included the opportunity to create your own unique products using 3D printing and laser cutting.
It also included film, audio and media classes, which the College was the first in the country to pilot as part of the Saturday Club programme. It was the chance for the young people to experience the world of media, using the on-campus recording studios where they scripted, recorded and edited their own productions!
David Staley, Schools and Community Engagement Officer from the College said:
“The Saturday Club programme has been such a great opportunity for young people to try their hand at a range of skills they may not have tried before and they have been really enjoying it. The work they have been doing has been fantastic and I’m so pleased we’ve been able to host this event.”
In particular, the College was delighted to be able to offer young people the chance to experience the world of film and media. David adds: “The film and screen industries offer an exciting and real opportunity for young people of all backgrounds. East London in particular right now is a great place for young people who are interested in the business. This was a great opportunity to really showcase the fantastic opportunities out there for young people who may be interested in entering the industry. ”