Students at the University of Bristol are among the most employable in the world, a new league table published today

The QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2019 place Bristol at 47th in the world and 6th in the UK out of the 660 global institutions analysed.
As well as evaluating graduate employment rates, the rankings looked at the opinions of over 40,000 employers and evaluated nearly 200,000 work placement partnerships.
Bristol has 139 internship partnerships, 336 companies actively present on campus in the past year, a graduate employment rate of 94 per cent after six months, and research collaborations with 55 leading companies. It scored most highly for its reputation with employers.
Stuart Johnson, Director of Careers Service at the University of Bristol, said:
“It’s gratifying to see our sustained efforts reflected in this ranking. We have worked hard to build and develop relationships with all kinds of employers, with the goal of creating excellent opportunities for our students – both while they’re at university and once they’ve graduated.
“Bristol attracts some of the best students and produces some of the most employable graduates, something that as an institution and as a careers service we are tremendously proud of.”
These latest insights follow the Graduate Market in 2018 study, which named Bristol graduates as the 4th most-targeted by Britain’s top 100 employers, ahead of those with degrees from Oxford and Cambridge.