Subject knowledge enhancement (SKE): course providers

DfE has today (19 Apr) published an overview and directory of subject knowledge enhancement courses for lead schools and initial teacher training (ITT) providers.
Subject knowledge enhancement (SKE): provider overview
This guidance is for School Direct lead schools and ITT providers who are allocated training places in:
- biology
- chemistry
- computing
- design and technology
- geography
- languages
- maths
- physics
SKE courses can be provided by School Direct partnerships, ITT providers or third parties.
If you offer SKE courses and would like to include these in this directory, complete the SKE course form and email it to: [email protected].
Read subject knowledge enhancement: an introduction for more information on SKE.
School Direct is a school-led route into initial teacher training (ITT). It is run by a partnership between a lead school, other schools and an accredited teacher training provider.