Update to advice on face coverings whilst at College

Following a recent change to Welsh Government guidance, it will now be mandatory for all staff, students and visitors to wear a face covering outside as well as inside when on campus grounds.
If you wear a face shield, please be reminded that a face covering must be worn in addition.
The only instances where face coverings will not have to be worn are:
- In classrooms, when sat at desks. However, if you are in a subject area that currently requires you to wear them whilst in lessons, please continue to do so.
- In offices, when sat at desks (ensuring the Covid-19 maximum numbers indicated on each door is adhered to)
- In staff rooms, when sat at tables (ensuring the Covid-19 maximum numbers indicated on each door is adhered to)
- When eating/drinking in designated areas (this can be inside or outside).
There are exemptions that apply if you are unable to wear a face covering, these include:
- Underlying chronic breathing conditions (you will be asked to demonstrate medical exemption)
- Physical or mental illness, disability or impairment
- Accompanying someone who relies on lip reading where they need to communicate.
If any of the above criteria applies to you, please let a member of staff know who will then guide you to speak to a Student Health Advisor. If you are a staff member, please let your line manager know who can advise you further.
For more details about the changes to the advice, please visit the WG website.
Thank you for your help in doing all we can, please continue to help us keep everyone safe.