Upgrade facilities now, begin leasing in September

The financial landscape for schools is becoming increasingly difficult. Budget cuts alongside ever rising class sizes are problems unfortunately facing the many not the few.
One of the most common complaints we hear from schools and Multi Academy Trusts (MATs) is “Our IT estate is in need of an upgrade over the summer period but due to budget restraints we would like our rentals to start in the new academic year.”
We are firm believers that a school or MAT shouldn’t be hamstrung in its goal to provide the best learning environment possible simply by the fact that they don’t have large cash reserves available to them immediately.
Having worked with a large number of educational establishments already we understand the time constraints and pressures relating to the smooth implementation of an IT project during holiday periods – especially over the summer break.
This often leads to the need for a deferred first rental payment until the new budgets become available in September.
Here at CHG-MERIDIAN everything that goes on behind our financial solutions is focused on bringing our customers maximum value and minimum pain.
Our deferred payment solution allows you to benefit from the latest technology today, with tomorrows budget. This solution enables you to order the equipment you desire pre summer, with the lease schedule not commencing until the start of the new academic year in September.
We then take care of the rollout, installation and everything in-between over the summer months to ensure when September rolls around your staff can focus on what they do best, teaching.
We want to help drive the shift in focus of schools and MATs from “how can I provide my students with the best learning environment possible?” To “what technology do we require in order to provide the best learning environment possible?” Efficient Technology Management® – This is what we offer, this is what we deliver.
“Finance and cash flow is always an issue for us being a school relying on Government funding, so we needed to explore different avenues of finance. CHG helped us unlock the various leasing options available to schools and provided us with assistance at every stage of the process.” Finance Director, MAT