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Code Institute Receives Double ‘Significant Progress’ Report from Ofsted

man writing code

The outcome of a recent Ofsted inspection known as the ‘New Provider Monitoring Visit’ (NPMV), demonstrates Code Institute’s commitment to future-proofing the Tech sector and Coding career opportunities through unparalleled service to all Skills Bootcamps’ learners.

Code Institute receives double ‘significant progress’ report findings following Ofsted’s New Provider Monitoring Visit (NPMV), conducted by Sharon Dowling, His Majesty’s Inspector.

Ofsted, the regulatory body that monitors newly directly publicly funded adult learning providers in England, inspected Code Institute’s delivery of Skills Bootcamps in collaboration with the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) on January 24 and 25, 2024. These Skills Bootcamps offer guaranteed interviews for unemployed learners for tech vacancies. NPMV evaluates providers on three themes, with Code Institute making ‘significant progress’ in two and ‘reasonable progress’ in one, specifically regarding Skills Bootcamps.

According to Ofsted, ‘significant progress’ denotes rapid and sustainable advancement with a considerable beneficial impact on learners, while ‘reasonable progress’ indicates actions benefiting learners, with sustainable improvements based on thorough quality assurance procedures.

The latest Government report on digital skills and talent estimates

“the digital skills gap to cost the UK economy £63 billion per year in lost potential gross domestic product (GDP) and is expected to widen, resulting in a workforce inadequately equipped to meet the demands of the digital age.”

Code Institute’s results bring exciting news for companies nationwide seeking to hire a new generation of tech talent. This is a positive development for companies, career changers, and the unemployed aspiring to enter the tech industry.

Ofsted’s findings report that Code Institute:

“board has significant experience and expertise in education with a clear understanding of funded training in England.

“leaders have a thorough and up-to-date understanding of the emerging skills needs in the sector. They use this information to review and develop the curriculum

continually to ensure that it meets the sector’s skills needs. For example, they are mapping artificial intelligence knowledge into the curriculum. As a result, learners have the most up-to-date knowledge and coding experience.”

Upon completion of the High-Performance Full Stack Software Developer: Skills Bootcamp, learners will gain the ability to utilise an Agile methodology for planning and designing a Full-Stack Web application, as well as have job-ready skills such as critical thinking, agile skills, time management and adaptability, which Code Institute’s 2000+ network of hiring partners identified as key barriers to recruitment in the coding industry.

Lorraine Hall, Code Institute’s Director of Quality, emphasised,

“Our recent Ofsted visit reinforces our trust in the strategies and support we advocate. It confirms the effectiveness of our approach in delivering top-tier education and career advancement programs.”

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