It’s a Knockout for SERC Sports Students

Level 2 Sports students from South Eastern Regional College’s (SERC) Downpatrick Campus recently hosted an inflatable ‘It’s A Knock Out’ competition at Dunleath Playing Fields in Downpatrick. Over 160 students from SERC, St Patrick’s Grammar, and Blackwater Integrated College, Downpatrick participated in activities on the day.
The overall winners were a team from SERC’s Lisburn Campus who received prizes donated from Omniplex Cinema in Downpatrick and John Macs Fish & Chip shop in Newcastle.
Aimee Grant, SERC Lecturer in Sport Studies said,
“It’s a Knock Out has been organised entirely by the Level 2 Sports students as part of their course. The students undertake a planning and running an event module which requires them to pull together to organise and host a sporting event in the local community. They develop their interpersonal, organisational and team work skills in a bid to promote sport and local facilities.”
She continued, “We organised ten fun activities for the students with the top team in each group progressing on to the semi-final and then the final. Gforce Amusements provided the inflatable activities while Cloughmor Extreme Adventures provided the climbing wall and archery. Our own students organised a range of challenges including the hang bar, skittles, tug-o-war and crossbar challenge. Light refreshments for participants were sponsored by Newry Mourne and Down Council.”
“The students enjoyed every single activity and were very competitive with other teams. Good sportsmanship was evident throughout the whole day and the event gave students a chance to network and meet new people.”
The event concluded with lunch provide by local eatery Wrap and Roll and an inspirational talk from Padraig McAteer from PIPs Downpatrick about the importance of looking after your mental health around exam time.
Sports Development Officers, Colleen Morrison and Ryan Flynn and Outdoor Leisure Officer, D.J. Morgan from Newry, Mourne and Down council also gave a short talk about the range of sporting opportunities students can get involved with through the council.
Colin Atkinson, SERC Deputy Head of School for Applied Science, Sport and Access to Education said,
“I would like to firstly thank the Department for Economy for generously providing a grant to make this event possible.‘It’s a Knockout’ was an extremely successful event and the feedback we have received from staff and students has been extremely positive.”
“A special thank you must be said to our sports lecturer Aimee Grant who was instrumental in the organisation of the event. Thanks to Carolyn King, Work Placement and Competitions Manager and all SERC Sport staff who helped the students plan and co-ordinate this event. Finally, I would like to extend my thanks to all stakeholders, including Blackwater College and St. Patrick’s Grammar, who supported the event and helped in any way possible. We are looking forward to hosting this event next year.”