World Environment Day – Edtech Leader’s Reaction

It was World Environment Day on Sunday, 5th May, and Edtech leader, RM – recently recognised in CRN’s Net Zero report – wanted to share thoughts on what the day means to them, as well as the steps businesses can take when it comes to becoming more sustainable.
Simon Carter, Director at RM said:
“The education sector is all about preparing students for their future. That’s why as an industry we should solidify protocols we’ve long had in place. Only last month, the Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) said that the environmental tipping points are fast approaching in the UK, and we already know the risks this poses to future generations if we do not act with urgency. So, this World Environment Day is yet another opportunity to make steps for the greener good – no matter what role you play within society.
“There are some areas that all organisations can look at and have much faster impact – for instance, printing off class work sheets that can just as easily be read online. However, there are many other areas climate targets and initiatives where collaborating with your supply chain becomes really important and can lead to meaningful change. For example, schools and trusts can work with their partners to consider schemes that ensure end-of-life computer devices are traded and responsibly recycled. This is just one way that we at RM are working with schools, along with ensuring packaging is sustainable and carbon offsetting pilots are considered.
“For any responsible organisation, there is a lot to contemplate. And whilst that may be daunting for some, every challenge is also an opportunity. Technology is one area that can often help – whether that is via more efficiently run cloud services (rather than hungry on-site networking), collaboration tools that overcome the need to travel so widely between school sites, and online capabilities that negate the need to invest in printers, photocopiers, post and fax machines (and all the carbon-related costs that they incur). Wherever you are in society, technology may be the key to helping you play your part”