Charity VTCT looking for new trustees from the the hair and beauty, complimentary therapy and sports sectors

VTCT invites applications for three new Trustee roles
The Vocational Training Charitable Trust (VTCT), a charity and one of the UK’s largest technical and vocational awarding and assessment organisations, has announced that it will be inviting applications for three new Board members to join its Board of Trustees.
Trustees perform a crucial role within VTCT; responsible for the overall good governance and leadership of the organisation, and its strategic direction and financial health. Trustees are also required to fulfil an active role on the VTCT board at its head office in Eastleigh, near Southampton.
VTCT is appealing to candidates with an ability to inject further dynamism into the organisation, as well as possessing transferrable skills from a broad range of sectors. The organisation is particularly seeking conversations with individuals who have a background in the further/higher education sectors or those with business or marketing experience, obtained within the hair, beauty, complimentary therapy and sports sectors.
The new trustees will be expected to support VTCT’s strong growth forecasts, as VTCT expands its portfolio of more than 1,900 public and private education centres across both the UK and worldwide, and consolidates its current, 63% market-leading share of awarding and assessment in the UK hair and beauty sector.
VTCT’s core mission is to advance education for the public benefit by enabling learners through assessment, awarding and qualifications to have a direct line of sight to a job or enhanced career prospects through acquiring higher-level skills.
VTCT currently has nine trustees, led by Professor Dr Chris Laws as Chair, and the expansion of the board will allow the trustees to concentrate on the organisation’s charitable purposes, whilst providing new insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by learners, educators and businesses.
Trustee specifications can be found on the VTCT website here, and the organisation is aiming to begin interviewing in mid-September.
Alan Woods OBE, CEO of VTCT commented:
“It’s an exciting time to join VTCT as a trustee as we gear up for future growth domestically including the challenges of preparing for T-Levels and further expansion into international markets.
“The board, led by Chris Laws, are looking to start conversations with a broad range of individuals both within our core sectors and the broader educational field, and so we require trustees who can demonstrate real passion and transferrable skills that can help the organisation strategically and operationally.
“We’re also keen to encourage greater diversity within the organisation, particularly as we operate within rapidly evolving sectors such as hair, beauty, complimentary therapy and sports services that increasingly need to appeal to consumers across a broad age-range.”
About VTCT: VTCT (Vocational Training Charitable Trust) is a specialist awarding organisation offering vocational and technical qualifications in a range of service sectors. VTCT has over 1,900 approved centres globally, with a market share of 63% of the awarding and assessment services within the UK hair and beauty sector. VTCT offers smarter support for brighter futures, ensuring the learner is at the heart of our work.
VTCT’s qualifications span a range of sectors including hairdressing and barbering, beauty therapy, complementary therapy, sport, active health and fitness, hospitality, business and retail and learning and development.
VTCT is also an Ofqual recognised End-Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) for the new apprenticeship reforms. As well as providing leading e-learning and e-portfolio resources for educators, learners and apprentices through its exclusive PivotPoint relationship, VTCT has recently collaborated with Smart Apprentices (SEPA). This collaboration is a technically advanced apprenticeship administration platform for educators that enables mandatory administration tasks for end-point assessment across 20 apprenticeship programmes, supporting around 10,000 apprentices. Following the acquisition of the international examination board iTEC in 2016, VTCT’s presence continues to expand worldwide.