#ResultsDay – according to FE News data what qualification has the most #FELove? FE Soundbite 658

Welcome to FE Soundbite Edition 658. FE Soundbite is the weekly e-newsletter and journal brought to you by FE News and gives you a round-up of the latest news and thought leadership from this week on FE News.
#ResultsDay: the first ever Triple Results Day
Well this week was Results Day part 1 (part 2 is next Thursday with GCSE results). So this year was the first ever Triple Results Day (A Level Results, the first ever T Level Results and Vocational / VTQ results). So with the triple results day, we decided to split our sector reaction articles into three (one for A Level Results, one for the first ever T Level Results and one for Vocational Level 3 results).
Post-it Note Data Analysis – watch out here comes Captain Stato:

Good job that we split up the articles, as we had over 65 comments across all three articles on Results day. Which made me think of trying a new thing called Post-it note Data analysis: so which qualification has had the most FE Love?
So according to Post-it Note Data analysis:
- A Levels came out top with 37 comments
- T Levels next with 19 comments
- In third came Vocational results with 9 comments
Conclusions: So my quick data analysis conclusion is that A Level Results still takes the crown for the most attention on Results Day, T Levels… seeing as it was the first T Level results day was very popular, but poor old L3 Vocational and VTQ – definitely more love needs to be shared and given. Personally, I found this really interesting, but I am coming to realise I am a bit geeky!
One you may have missed!
So everyone knows that Results Day is proper manic, it is the time of many Personally, I wouldn’t have thought it was a good day to put out a report… but The Social Market Foundation decided it was the ideal day for their report… that I thought was really interesting reading… and I can see why they did release it… but I can also understand why nearly all of the sector would have missed it due to being crowded out by pics of pictures of excited students, hugging, high fives etc:
White working-class and black students risk losing out from focus on A-Levels instead of vocational courses. I would highly recommend checking it out.
Another really important report from this week… gutting reading alert:
IFS: Lack of progress on closing educational inequalities disadvantaging millions throughout life… which is alarming reading… very alarming reading… we have more articles on the way on this and from the report authors. As this really choked me up when I read this!
Exclusive Thought leadership
We also had some epic thought leadership articles from this week, so I would highly recommend checking these out.
I hope you enjoy FE Soundbite this week!