The career landscape is rapidly changing: Help your students to fully understand the options available to them #ResultsDay2019

The big day is almost here… Results Day!
Young people all across the country will be feeling many mixed emotions from excitement to worry and nervousness.
Remind them that exam results aren’t everything and they will always have options regardless of the outcome!
Save the Date
Today (14th Aug) is vocational results day. A Level results day is the 15th August and GCSE results day is the 22nd August. For Scottish students results day for A Levels and GCSEs is on the 6th August.
Students can usually pick their results up from school or sixth form at around 10am but this will depend on the exam centre (the school or sixth form).
If you’re a teacher who will be there on the big day, ensure you’re there to offer the young person support. If they did well make sure they know what a big achievement that is! If a student didn’t do as well as they expected to, encourage them not to be too hard on themselves and make sure they understand that there are still plenty of pathways available.
What if a student didn’t do as well as expected?
If a student is collecting their GCSE or A Level results and didn’t do as well as they expected, try to calm them down and explain that there are plenty of options available to them!
Students can always consider resitting their exams or follow a different pathway into their career. They might want to consider an apprenticeship or BTEC. If your student hasn’t done as well as you would have liked at A Level then you can help them to understand their options through Clearing.
Clearing is available to students without any offers or those who choose to enter self-release. There will be a vacancy list with unfilled university offers and is a great back up option.
What if your student did better than expected?
Congratulate them and ensure they understand the options available! Students might want to consider a different route or may like to apply through Adjustment. Remind them that there is no right or wrong pathway. It’s all about doing what is best for them.
If you work in a school your students might want to consider doing an apprenticeship, A Levels, Vocational Qualifications, BTEC or Traineeship. For College students, they might want to look into a Higher or Degree Apprenticeship, Work Experience or University.
Where to go for high quality advice and guidance?
Careermap have just released a special edition of Careermag. Do you want to help your students to prepare for the big day? The Careermag Results Day Guide packed full with independent information and education/career advice.
The Results Day Guide is a fantastic resource for students, schools, colleges, career leaders and career advisers. The career landscape is rapidly changing and Careermag can help your students to fully understand the options available to them. It looks in depth at the options available on GCSE and A Level results day!
Don’t worry, you and your students won’t be doing this alone!
Sharon Walpole, Director, Careermap