Nacro announces new director of education

Elise Temple, former Vice Principal for Quality, Teaching, Learning and Assessment at The Sheffield College, has taken on the role of Director of Education at national charity, Nacro.
Ms Temple will be tasked with overseeing Nacro’s educational provision, including Totton College, as the charity continues its mission to support and empower people faced with disadvantage across the country alongside campaigning for system change.
Nacro is a national charity and one of the country’s largest independent further education providers. The thousands of learners we help everyday are typically faced with multiple disadvantages and have usually experienced a broken or interrupted academic career. Nearly half have some kind of identified learning disability and 70% access either the bursary or free school meals.

Ms Temple says:
“Nacro is all about changing lives and giving people that second chance. The drive towards a society where everyone has the chance to succeed is something that really resonates with me. I am delighted to be joining an organisation that is determined to provide help and support for those who really need it. I can’t wait to get started.”