A summer of fun for all the family with CAVC at Llanrumney Hall

Cardiff and Vale College (@CAVC) has an outreach centre at the historic Llanrumney Hall and over the summer holiday period delivered a series a fun activities for all the family.
Organised by the College’s Preparation for Work, Life and Learning (PWLL) team, alongside Llanrumney Hall Community Trust – Creatively Yours team and CAVC partner Ministry of Life Education a series of almost 50 sessions were run and engaged with over 730 people of all ages over the six week summer period.
There was a wide range of sessions and workshops delivered buy staff from CAVC and included Arts and Crafts, Sports, Music and DJ workshops, African Drumming, Creative Play, Knitting and Natter and Gardening and Horticulture.
Cat Pargeter – Project Officer at Llanrumney Hall said
“The summer program was very exciting. It was a great opportunity to work with many different people and show what the hall is capable of. The Clubs proved popular with the community and we have had some lovely feedback from parents”’
The team also took part in the Llanrumney Hall Community BBQ and Summer Fun Day on 7th August, delivering a range of workshops and opportunities for children, young people and families.
One parent, Adele, said:
“It’s been wonderful to have this program on my doorstep. We couldn’t go on holiday this year and this program has been amazing keeping my son entertained.”
Another, Zoe, added:
“It’s great to see kids being able to use their imaginations.”
CAVC Head of PWLL Wayne Carter said:
“It has been fantastic to see the community engaging in a range of activities within the community of LLanrumney and the partnership work has truly made an impact. The summer of fun activities has boosted the already positive collaboration we have with Llanrumney Hall Community Trust and we will be providing a range of educational, training and community programmes throughout the year.”