Cardiff-bound classmates with Welsh vision to pursue language degrees

FRIENDS passionate about keeping the Welsh language alive are off to the nation’s capital to begin the next chapter in their lives.
Frances Bather and Ellie Worsnip will study Welsh at Cardiff University after succeeding in their A Levels at Coleg Cambria’s (@colegcambria) Yale campus in Wrexham.
Frances, from Llangollen, and Mold-based Ellie both received As in Welsh and passed other subjects including Media Studies, English Literature, Welsh Baccalaureate and English Language.
They urge other youngsters to consider a career utilising Welsh and thanked Cambria – notably its branch of Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol – for their support.
A former pupil at Ysgol Dinas Bran, Frances, 18, said:
“We are both very passionate about keeping the language alive and being able to use it in our day-to-day jobs, so that was a big reason we chose to study it at university.
“I would like to teach Welsh, either at primary or secondary school level, and believe there is a lot more for us to learn about the language, from its history to the relevance and importance of a bilingual society.
“As there is a campaign to increase the number of people who use the language it’s an exciting time to be taking on this degree – I can’t wait to get started.”
The Welsh Government’s Cymraeg 2050 plan aims to increase the number of people speaking the language to one million.
Ellie, 18, who attended Alun School, is determined to become a bilingual speech and language therapist in the future and applauds the drive to preserve Welsh for future generations.
“Learning Welsh at Cambria and being part of Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol was a lot of fun and also laid the foundations for us to move forward in this sector,” she said.
“The tutors really inspired us and showed there are so many opportunities to use the Welsh language in a variety of roles.
“Whether you’re fluent or a beginner they can help you and that in turn will attract more people to study Welsh, which will be great to see.”
Frances added: “We are looking forward to Cardiff and can’t wait to get started now. Being there together will help us settle in and achieve our goals.”
For more on the wide range of courses and qualifications available at Coleg Cambria, visit the website:
A language is a manner of thinking and solving problems too a certain way as well as explaining some countries specialities from artisanat to folks wisdom: hence why, in 2100 there will be STILL around 3000 languages and dozens of international ones (as underlined scientifically in 2020).
I speak Mexican Spanish which I prefer to mainland Spanish and learned a lot in 11 years in Southern California in the mid 80’s, 90’s and 2004-2008). And also English / American, but that’s because I spent over 12 years in the US and now 20 years in the UK. English is useful and will continue for its benefits in some first degree languages and affires, but not as before! Now, and I’m not talking politically but diplomatically in many ways, about the fact that Trump was elected in the United States for four years and millions of Trumpist extremists are still here as well as Brexit (although I understand why Britain has done it) with its diplomatic confinement, English will henceforth be replaced, in some transactions of international trade and educational / cultural diplomatic cooperation by Spanish, Russian, Hindi, French, Portuguese , Russian, Polish and more.
ALSO Welsh is experiencing increlible growth in Wales and internationally: 884,300 (29.2% of the population of Wales, 2021 and globally it has seen, as we know now, a 44% increase from 2020, with Welsh beating Hindi, Japanese, French and Turkish.
Erbyn hyn, rydw i’n cyfieithu ar-lein yn Gymraeg am barch gan fy mod i’n ddysgwr newydd o langage Cymru ac yn ei addoli am ei wersi hanes pwerus, ei lore a’i oleuadau dwfn anhygoel ymysg pethau eraill.
Yn ogystal, mae poblogaethau’r byd wedi cael llond bol bod rhai cwmnïau mawr Americanaidd fel Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook a llawer o rai eraill yn osgoi trethi, er enghraifft trwy Iwerddon neu Lwcsembwrg, tra na all cymaint o gwmnïau eraill a’r mwyafrif o bobl yn y byd gael hyn moethus hyll! O ganlyniad, rydym eisoes yn gweld nad yw rhyngwladol, mwy a mwy o bobl, ers tua 2018/2019, yn dewis Saesneg fel “lingua franca atgyrch y 90au / 2000au cynnar”; Mae Sbaeneg, Rwseg, Pwyleg, Portiwgaleg, Eidaleg, Arabeg neu hyd yn oed Hebraeg, Hindi ac ati … yn cynyddu’n annileadwy mewn rhai canrannau! Anaml iawn y bûm yn anghywir yn y rhagfynegiadau hyn er 1991 .. rhodd ydyw, dim mwy, dim llai.
Enghraifft o fyfyrwyr yn Lloegr yn gwneud y Gymraeg
Pascal H. Gillon