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Colleges Week 2020: Lewisham College joins campaign to boost funding for FE institutions

Colleges Week 2020

@LewishamCollege is joining the Association of Colleges (@AoC_info) ‘Love Our Colleges’ campaign this Colleges Week which takes place from Monday 19 October to Friday 23 to celebrate and showcase the crucial work further education colleges do, day in and day out to skill and shape the future workforce and support economic growth and social mobility.  

Asfa Sohail, Principal at Lewisham College, said: 

“We are very excited to join the Love Our Colleges campaign to celebrate Colleges Week and highlight the importance of further education Colleges in social and economic development by providing education and training to 2.2 million people in a wide range of sectors every year.  

“Colleges are an essential part of England’s education system. This week we will be celebrating the fantastic work that goes on not only in the classroom but also in the wider community to support individuals and help millions of people to realise their ambitions.” 

FE colleges also play a vital role in their local communities, helping people of all ages to make the most of their talents and ambitions and supporting people through the difficult challenges we have recently faced.  During the lockdown, Health and Social Care students at Lewisham College completed their work placement while helping their local communities and experiencing first-hand the importance of community support.  

Deljona Gjomaka, Health and Social Care student at Lewisham College, said: 

My work placement was a great experience for me. I was able to help my community with the knowledge and skills I developed in my course at Lewisham College, and gained a thorough understanding of the impacts the lockdown can cause on mental health.”  

Throughout the week Lewisham College’s staff and students will embark on a week of action to support the ‘Love Our Colleges’ campaign by showcasing the College’s contribution to society and economy growth. 

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