Join the Future Leaders programme to help you progress to headship

The Future Leaders programme develops senior leaders to become headteachers in challenging schools.
What you can get
Over 2 years you’ll get:
- intensive leadership development training
- ongoing mentoring and coaching
- regional face-to-face training delivered outside of school hours
- visits to exemplary schools across England
- tailored career development and guidance
- membership of a national network of committed school leaders
- a 1 week summer residential for new cohorts, that brings members together from across England
Who can apply
You will be an experienced senior leader in a challenging primary or secondary school who has the capability to become a headteacher within 2 to 3 years.
You must:
- have the potential, commitment and track record to become the headteacher of a challenging school
- have qualified teaching status or qualified teacher learning and skills status
- have senior leadership experience in the last 5 years such as deputy or assistant head in a primary or secondary school
- demonstrate the impact you’ve had across the whole school
- demonstrate that headship is the next role in your career
- be committed to working in a school in a challenging context
When it’s available
New cohorts will start the programme in September 2019 and 2020.
What it costs
Schools pay £1,500 a year for each teacher on the programme.
How to apply
Applications for September 2019 open in January 2019 and close in July 2019. Applications for September 2020 open in January 2020 and close in July 2020.
To be selected you must:
- apply online
- attend an interview at an assessment centre
- attend a technical interview to determine that you are 2 to 3 years from headship
Find out more
See the Future Leaders programme website for more information.