Detailed guide: Register to claim Erasmus+ and ESC funding from the government guarantee

How organisations that get or have bid for Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps (ESC) funding should register for the HMG guarantee if there’s no Brexit deal.
You may need to make a claim against the HMG guarantee if your organisation receives EU funding for Erasmus+ and ESC projects.
The guarantee will cover funding for successful Erasmus+ and ESC bids, if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.
Erasmus+ and ESC funding will continue as normal until the end of the programme in 2020, if the UK leaves the EU with a deal.
You should continue to submit funding applications to the European Commission (EC) or the UK National Agency as you would do normally. Only organisations with successful bids can make a claim against the HMG guarantee. Successful bids are those approved directly by the EC or the UK National Agency and then ratified by the EC.
Read the guidance on how to apply for funding on the Erasmus+ UK National Agency’s website.
Who should register
All UK organisations who are involved in successful Erasmus+ applications should register.
This includes projects and applicants that are only informed of their success, or who sign a grant agreement, after the UK has left the EU. The funding will continue until the end of your project.
You do not need to make a claim for projects that include students covered by the EC’s Erasmus+ Contingency Regulation. This includes study and work placements that start before the UK leaves the EU.
To be considered for funding, your project must continue to meet the eligibility and validation criteria.
To claim for funding under the guarantee, you’ll need to provide:
- evidence that you are a UK legal entity
- evidence that your project was eligible for funding and with a contract in place
- evidence of your successful bid – this should be your grant agreement number
- details for a bank account that accepts sterling
How to register
Register for Erasmus+ and ESC claims using the grants management function: recipient registration form.
You can register now if you are already receiving funds.
After registering, you’ll receive an email confirming we have received your claim.
If the HMG guarantee is required after we leave the EU, you’ll get an email with a link and an invitation code. You can then create an account on the HMG guarantee system for Erasmus+ and ESC.
You’ll need to provide some information about your organisation, your project and your funding. This includes your:
- organisation name
- Companies House/charity number (where applicable)
- Erasmus+ or ESC organisation type
- company address
- case number
- grant agreement number
- scheme name
- project name
- EU funding contribution
- project start date
- project end date
- next EC payment (expected date)
You will not be able to register a project for the guarantee until the bid has been confirmed as successful by the UK National Agency or the EC.
When to make a claim
Once you’ve set up your account, you’ll be ready to make a claim if the UK leaves the EU without a deal and the HMG guarantee is triggered.
Once registered, the UK National Agency will contact you to confirm what information you’ll need to provide to make a claim.
What you’ll need to claim
If you need to make a claim, you’ll need to provide:
- confirmation that EU funding is withdrawn – you can add this later, if you’re waiting for confirmation
- a list of UK and non-UK partners involved in the project
- your confirmation of continuation form(MS Word Document, 16.1KB), if working with non-UK organisations
- funding amounts for the project, including:
- the EU funding contribution
- amount pre-financed
- spend to date
- expected date and amount of the next EC payment and all annexes – only include funding post-Brexit for UK organisations
- if applicable, a child protection form for all schools and youth projects
Partnership projects with non-UK organisations
The HMG guarantee will replace funding for UK organisations’ participation in projects. It does not cover funding you give to non-UK partners and organisations.
Talk to your partner organisations and make arrangements to continue your partnerships if you can. You should get written confirmation from your partners that they agree to continue the project.
You should then complete a confirmation of continuation form (MS Word Document, 16.1KB). You’ll need to provide this as part of your claim against the government’s guarantee.
You’ll also need to provide a letter from the head of your organisation (for example, the vice chancellor of a higher education institution or the headmaster of a school) confirming the agreement with the other organisations involved in your project or projects.
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Published 8 April 2019
Last updated 19 August 2019 + show all updates
- Format updates have been made to highlight actions that people need to take. A link has also been added that allows people to sign up for email alerts to get the latest information about Brexit.
- First published.