Exeter College Celebrates Microsoft Innovative Educators

Exeter College and Microsoft joined forces to celebrate the digital innovators at the heart of the college’s Digital Transformation.
Leaders from Microsoft’s Education Team gathered alongside Exeter College staff to celebrate the one year anniversary of the Ofsted Outstanding college becoming a Microsoft Showcase College and award members of staff with their Microsoft Innovative Educator badges.
Anthony Martin, Digital Innovation and Engagement Manager at Exeter College, was delighted to celebrate the achievements of college staff who have embraced digital innovation in their work.
Anthony said, “Members of staff here have not only taken the time to learn and embrace new technologies in their work, but they have also embraced the Microsoft community and are helping others around the college to use technology in a way that is transforming everyone’s understanding of technology and learning.”
“Everything we do as part of this project is to try and upskill our staff so they can save time, become more efficient users of digital technology and spread that knowledge to our learners.”
Commenting on the Microsoft Educator Community, Anthony said, “I genuinely feel like this is a great partnership for us at the college. It’s not just a thing we have signed up to in order to get free badges and T-shirts; it’s about empowering our teams, and ultimately our students, to learn the digital skills they need for the future of work ahead of them.”
As part of the awards ceremony, almost 20 Exeter College staff were recognised for embracing Microsoft’s innovative technology in their work and Principal and Chief Executive John Laramy was pleased with how the partnership with Microsoft has influenced digital innovation across the college.
John Laramy said, “It’s great to be able to mark more formally the partnership we have with Microsoft. We’re a college that would rather take actions than just words and today is a really strong action in terms of our commitment to Microsoft and their commitment to us. This is just the start of an exciting journey as we continue our digital transformation.
“One of the big impacts we have already seen as part of this partnership is staff being more sustainable because they’re using IT more and paper less. That’s a win for staff, a win for students and a win for the environment.”
Clare Riley, Microsoft’s Engagement Manager for Further and Higher Education in the UK, had been impressed by Exeter College’s forward-thinking approach to embracing digital technologies.
“Exeter College has clearly worked hard to make sure that not only are students learning the right skills but staff can also develop and grow too,” said Clare.
“From my perspective, it’s a college full of passion, ambition and delight. What I’ve found is a real can-do attitude and that’s very much the same mentality we have at Microsoft. Exeter is lucky to have such a strong and energetic college at its centre.”
Clare was also keen to highlight how digital opportunities in the region can continue to grow thanks to the new South West Institute of Technology Digital and Data Centre at Exeter College which will begin construction in the coming months.
“One of the things I’m most excited about going forward is the Institute of Technology. It’s going to be really exciting for Exeter to have this project driving innovation at its core. Microsoft loves to share what it does and we will certainly be sharing our innovations with the team at Exeter College as the Digital and Data Centre comes to fruition.”
Exeter College Vice Principal Rob Bosworth, who leads on the digital strategy at the college, said, “Our partnership with Microsoft plays an important role in our ambition to make every person, student and staff, an active digital citizen by 2025. We are embracing every opportunity to support staff and students to upskill and be comfortable with emerging technologies ensuring we are placed to be a college of the future.”