Exploring Innovative Cities and the #FutureofWork

On October 10, 2018, a community of scholars will convene in Paris for an event titled, “Bridging Ideas”, in order to exchange on some of the critical challenges the world is currently facing, including overcrowding in cities, water shortages, unemployment, and electricity distribution and transportation issues.
This gathering will mark the 15th anniversary of Alliance, an innovative partnership between Columbia University, École Polytechnique, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and Sciences Po. The four partners collaborate to develop academic partnerships and exchanges through joint projects, visiting professorships, doctoral mobility grants, and student-driven initiatives.
Emmanuel Kattan, Director of Alliance, said: “This event will offer a window into a world of new ideas. It will feature an array of thinkers who work together within Alliance and share their perspectives on some of the critical issues the world is facing today, including climate change and the challenge of inventing new jobs in the era of AI.”
The event will feature two keynote panel debates. The first one will focus on “Building Sustainable and Resilient Cities” and will explore how innovative ideas can help cities face the challenges of unemployment, social divides, and housing and infrastructure issues.
The second panel will investigate the question: “Will the Future Work?” It will highlight the insights of scholars who have thought extensively about the advances in automation and artificial intelligence and how they will transform the way we work, learn, and share knowledge.
In addition, a Marketplace of Ideas session will present the research of faculty and doctoral students who have been previous grantees of the Alliance Program.
The Bridging Ideas Symposium will take place on October 10, 2018 at UniversitéParis 1Panthéon-Sorbonne (54 rue Saint-Jacques, 75005 Paris, France).
To consult the full program of the symposium and register for the event, please click here.
About the Alliance Program: A partnership between Columbia University, Sciences Po, Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and École Polytechnique. Now in its 15th year, Alliance works with faculty, researchers and students from these four institutions to support academic collaboration and innovative partnerships through dual degrees, joint projects, visiting professorships and doctoral mobility.