‘Green shoots of recovery’ and ‘some positive notes’ to take from latest apprenticeship figures

Commenting on the latest apprenticeship figures from the Department of Education, Rob Alder, Head of Business Development, AAT said:
While these latest figures continue to show some green shoots of recovery for apprenticeships, the overall 24% fall in starts for the 2017/18 academic year suggests there is still much to do to raise general awareness of apprenticeship schemes and how they can benefit individuals seeking to take their first steps in their career of choice.
In a difficult climate however, there are some positive notes to take. Accounting apprenticeships, for example, are up 12% in 2017/18 compared to the previous year, with some large employers increasing their apprenticeship intake at the expense of their graduate intake.
There are plenty of reasons therefore to be confident that apprenticeships can work, providing real support to social mobility across the UK, and can be well respected by employers and apprentices alike.