Independent special schools and colleges

Independent schools for pupils with special educational needs, including those approved under section 41 of the Children and Families Act.
Special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales
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Special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 49.2KB
Independent special schools in England including non-maintained special schools (and excluding section 41 approved special schools and colleges)
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Independent special schools in England including non-maintained special schools (and excluding section 41 approved special schools and colleges)
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 47KB
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Lists of all independent schools and colleges for children with special educational needs or disability (SEND), including:
- schools and colleges approved under section 41 of the Children and Families Act 2014 in England and Wales
- independent special schools in England, including non-maintained special schools (NMSS)
NMSS are schools that the Secretary of State for Education has approved under section 342 of the Education Act 1996.
You can filter the lists by local authority or by type of school.
Read the SEND code of practice for parents to find out how to name one of these schools in a child’s education, health and care (EHC) plan.
Visit the school and college performance tables if you’d like to find out about special schools or colleges maintained by a local authority.
Read our guide for independent special schools and colleges interested in applying for approval under section 41.
Published 31 December 2015
Last updated 30 August 2019 + show all updates
- Updated list for special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales has been added for August 2019
- Updated list for special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales has been added for July 2019.
- We have updated the list for special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales.
- An updated list for special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales has been added following the review.
- Updated list of independent special schools in England including non-maintained special schools (and excluding section 41 approved special schools and colleges).
- Secretary of State approved list updated following termly review.
- The Secretary of State approved list has been updated for January.
- Updated Secretary of State approved list following termly review.
- Replaced “Special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales” spreadsheets with latest versions.
- Replaced ‘Independent special schools in England including non-maintained special schools (and excluding section 41 approved special schools and colleges)’ spreadsheets with latest versions.
- Updated list of special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales for August 2018.
- The Secretary of State Approved list has been refreshed following termly review.
- Updated publication of the Secretary of State approved list has been added for April 2018.
- Updated special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales list
- Updated ‘Independent special schools in England, including non-maintained special schools (and excluding section 41 approved special schools and colleges)’.
- The special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales spreadsheet has been updated.
- Updated approved section 41 list has been added.
- Updated ‘Special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales’ document.
- Updated ‘Special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales’ document.
- Updated ‘Special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales’ document.
- Updated ‘Special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales’ document.
- List of special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales updated.
- Updated ‘Special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales’ document to reflect the removal of Trinity Specialist College.
- Updated ‘Special schools and colleges approved under section 41 in England and Wales’ document to remove Queen Elizabeth Brain Foundation.
- First published.