Join us at Wales’ Virtual Open Days

Due to Covid-19 many planned events, like open days, that had been scheduled have now been cancelled.
We know how important open days can be in helping you to make up your mind about your next steps, so we’re working with the Welsh Government to bring our open day to you.
On Wednesday 8 July at 4pm, we’ll be taking part in the South West and Mid Wales live Virtual Open Day to give you a feel for what it’s like to Gower College Swansea.
You’ll get the chance to hear presentation from our Deputy Principal Nick Brazil, who will explain where as a College we can take you, as well as hear about how you can use your Welsh at College with our Bilingual Champion Anna Davies. There will be information available on our apprenticeship opportunities!
So, whether you think you’ve made up your mind or you’re still on the fence about what you want to do next, you’ll have all the information you need to make the right decision for you.
Join the South West and Mid Wales Virtual Open Day here or call Working Wales on 0800 028 4844.
You can also follow Working Wales on Facebook and @WorkingWales on Twitter.