Motor sport professional talks drive and going the extra mile with motor vehicle students at Salford College

Daniel Rathmill from Power Maxed Racing took his career from 0 to 60 in no time at all. The race technician came in to talk to students studying motor vehicle studies at Salford College of Further Education about how they can get the wheels in motion on their own careers.
‘Since day one I knew I was going to be in motor sport, it was only a matter of time for me and now this is where I am’, said Daniel as he addressed students currently studying on the course.
Daniel was invited in by course teacher Nick Evans, who has followed the young professional throughout his short but sweet career, he said: “It was always going to be motor racing with him, whatever you threw at him he always gave 110% to it, so I knew he would do well.
“We’ve always stayed in touch and I’ve followed him throughout his career. It’s nice to see him doing really well and get a job with Power Maxed.”
Nick hoped Daniel would inspire students with tales of his own success and show them where the future might take them should they show they have ‘the drive’ needed to succeed. Nick told his students: “In just 2009 Daniel was sat where you are now. He is just a lad from Salford. If you’re going to take away anything from this talk, take the fact that it’s doable. It is not an impossible dream.”
Daniel secured his job at Power Maxed Racing just 2-weeks before graduating from university, he told the class: “I was given the opportunity to go and work at Silverstone to help out at the VW Cup with Power Max Racing. I just went there with my university experience and applied myself throughout that whole weekend. Every so often the boss would ask me what I was doing at the moment and what my plans were.
“In hindsight it was a practical interview. It was at the end of the weekend when we were packing up that he told me there was a position at the factory for me.”
Daniel advised students to treat every experience like a job interview, he continued: “Any opportunity could lead to a job, simple as. An opportunity I was given ended up being a two day interview essentially – they never even told me there was a job.
“Alas, a week after graduating I moved down south and started my new role and I’ve been there ever since.”
And Dan has only gone from strength to strength. “I started off working on the cars themselves; spanner checks, cleaning and general car preparation for racing. But in a short space of time I’ve moved up. I was given the chance to do the data for racing, I applied myself and was good at it and I promoted. I am now a race technician.
“A lot of people are quite surprised how quickly I’ve moved up in the company considering what short time I’ve been there. I was there working with them on the cars just 18-months ago and now I’m up in the office doing design work and contacting manufacturers to get parts for my own drawings.”
Daniel explained to students how a career in motor sport could take them around the world and provide opportunities like none other. Two years ago whilst studying Daniel was given a big break when he took part in a 24-hour race in Dubai.
And why did Daniel get the invite to go to Dubai? He continued: “You need to be prepared to give more than just the basic hours to the job. It’s not about leaving bang on time, it’s about long hours and doing that bit more. I’d stay behind late and wash the cars when I was studying – anything to prove my dedication.”