Official Statistics: National pupil projections: July 2018 (2019 update)
This statistical release provides national projections for the number of pupils in schools by type of school and age group.
National pupil projections: future trends in pupil numbers, July 2018 (2019 update)
PDF, 310KB, 9 pages
Pupil projections tables, 2018
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 84.3KB
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Quality and methodology information, 2018
PDF, 372KB, 6 pages
Pupil projections underlying data, 2018
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Pupil projections: 2019 updated underlying data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 30.6KB
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Pupil projections metadata specification, 2018
PDF, 220KB, 3 pages
Pupil projections: 2019 updated metadata specification
PDF, 140KB, 3 pages
Pupil projections pre-release access, 2018
PDF, 86.3KB, 1 page
This publication includes actual and projected figures for the pupil population for most school types in England. The figures are provided by school type and age group.
Overall actual and projected figures by age group for 6 variant projections are also provided, for example a low fertility variant.
An additional set of underlying data has been provided giving a 2019 update of the projections, incorporating new actual data but unchanged base population projections. The summary of the release has been updated to reflect these changes.
Pupils and School Finance team, Data Insight and Statistics Division
Email[email protected]
Telephone: Helen Bray 0370 000 2288
Published 12 July 2018
Last updated 11 July 2019 + show all updates
- Added additional underlying dataset giving 2019 update to 2018 model.
- First published.