Ofsted round-up: This week: Satisfactory results for Qube Learning

Qube Qualifications and Development Ltd, Wallingford
Summary of grades awarded:
Effectiveness of provision Satisfactory: Grade 3
Capacity to improve Satisfactory: Grade 3
Achievement and standards Satisfactory: Grade 3
Quality of provision Satisfactory: Grade 3
Leadership and management Satisfactory: Grade 3
Equality of opportunity Contributory grade: Satisfactory: Grade 3
Sector subject areas:
Hospitality and catering Satisfactory: Grade 3
Literacy and numeracy Satisfactory: Grade 3
Business, administration and law Satisfactory: Grade 3
Qube Qualifications, also known as Qube Learning, is a subsidiary of Qube Holding Ltd. The organisation holds Learning Skills Council contacts with London Central LSC, East of England LSC, Greater Manchester LSC, East Midlands LSC and South East England LSC. The majority of learners study in the workplace, and are employed across England. Currently, Qube Learning has 118 apprentices, 55 advanced apprentices and 853 learners on Train to Gain. Roughly 30 per cent of all learners are from a minority ethnic group.
Qube Learning’s inspection report received satisfactory grades across the board. Although this included its achievement and standards, Ofsted inspectors noted that for a small proportion of apprentices, achievement and standards are deemed inadequate. The provider did make adequate progress in addressing the majority of areas for improvement, and maintaining strengths highlighted in the previous inspection. However, Ofsted said: “Framework completion rates remain low for the small proportion of apprentices.”
Success rates for learners on its Train to Gain administration programmes was said to be outstanding overall. Recent data shows that in 2007/08, overall success rates are good for Train to Gain learners in hospitality and catering, and satisfactory for most other Train to Gain learners. The report also states, however, that timely success rates on the apprenticeship and advanced apprenticeship programmes have been below national averages for the last three years, and well below in some cases.
Since the previous inspection, Qube Learning has restructured its management of the provision, and leadership and management are now judges as satisfactory overall. Operational and senior staff were said to have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. New staff also undertake a thorough induction which includes shadowing more experienced workers. Inspectors noted that its self-assessment process seems to have led to appropriate improvements being made to the provision.