Politicians visit Weston College for immigration debate

POLITICIANS from Weston-super-Mare and North Somerset visited Weston College to help students to understand how immigration affects modern politics.
Conservative MP for Weston-super-Mare, John Penrose, and UKIP politician Ian Kealey, who stood as UKIP’s parliamentary candidate for North Somerset in the 2015 General Election, visited the College on Friday 6th May.
The two politicians visited students on the social science diploma of the Access to Higher Education course, a course which provides adults with the qualifications and academic skills to progress to university.
The visit tied in with the students’ last assignment, contemporary political issues, where they are required to take part in a debate on immigration.
The two-hour debate covered a range of topics relating to immigration, including the economy, healthcare, cultural values, refugees, freedom of movement, border controls and more.
Mr Penrose said: “I was impressed by the depth of understanding on an extremely difficult and emotionally-charged issue and by the good natured style of the debate – perhaps a few MPs in Westminster could learn a bit if they were with me today.”
Sarah Rees, a qualified lawyer who lectures in Law and Social Policy at the College, said: “This was a great opportunity for students studying politics to hear first-hand from active members of parliament about a subject close to many people’s hearts.
“We are grateful to Mr Penrose and Mr Kealey for their contribution.”
Mr Kealey said: “I thought the students seemed well-informed about the topic and the issue of immigration, its economic impacts and how it affects services.”