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First Person to Pass the First Live New FIA Advanced Designer Exam & Qualification is STANLEY Security UK Fire Product Manager

STANLEY Security is delighted to announce its UK Fire Product Manager, Michael Heasman, is the first person to pass the FIA live advanced designer examination and is now a fully qualified Fire Industry Association Awarding Organisation (FIA AO) Level 3 Fire Detection and Alarm Advanced Designer in the UK.  Michael was the only person to successfully obtain this qualification on the first live FIA run course in Bolton.

Commenting on this significant achievement, Michael Heasman, who has worked in the fire industry for over 15 years, said:

“this qualification was very difficult to achieve. It was an application based exam rather than just knowledge based.  The FIA have said they have perhaps set the bar too high!  On a personal basis, it was very nice to know I could pass such an exam and I am very proud to have passed for myself and the company.  For our customers it provides peace of mind that their fire alarm system requirements have been designed by a fully qualified engineer.”

In response to industry demand, the FIA launched new qualifications in 2018 covering Fire Detection and Alarm Design, Installation, Maintenance and Commissioning Theory and Regulatory Requirements.  These qualifications have been developed to Level 3 and registered on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), equivalent to a Level 4 on the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).  In addition to the core subject matter, a further three parts are included – Foundation, Environment and Health & Safety; all four parts, require a formal exam.

The new qualifications have been designed to ensure uniformity in fire detection and alarm design, installation, maintenance and commissioning and, over time, will help raise the standard of work carried out, ensuring BS EN 16763:2017, which details a minimum service level for fire safety systems and security systems, is adhered to. 

Michael believes these new qualifications will become increasingly important: “In a number of countries, including the Republic of Ireland, it is already mandatory for all fire alarm designers to be qualified.  Whilst there are no immediate plans to follow suit in the UK, I believe customers in the future may insist on this qualification.”

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