Register of end-point assessment organisations

Information for employers looking for an independent end-point assessment organisation and potential applicants to the register of apprentice assessment organisations.
Information for applicant organisations
Please view this narrated presentation for more information about the role of the register of end-point assessment organisations.
Employers looking for an assessment organisation
Please view this narrated presentation for more information on how the register supports employers.
As well as containing information on programme training and assessment, all apprenticeship standards must contain an end-point assessment. An independent organisation must be involved in the end-point assessment of each apprentice so that all apprentices following the same standard are assessed consistently.
The register of end-point assessment organisations (the register) is a list of organisations that have been assessed as being suitable to conduct independent end-point assessment of apprentices and be in receipt of public funds.
Only these organisations are eligible to conduct independent end-point assessment of apprentices. Although a number of different people and organisations may be involved in an apprentice’s end-point assessment, only the independent organisation needs to apply to and be listed on the register.
Employers of apprentices will select an organisation from the register to conduct independent end-point assessment of their apprentices.
The register is regularly updated as more organisations successfully apply.
Information for applicant organisations
Information for organisations thinking about applying to the register of end-point assessment organisations.
Employers looking for an assessment organisation
Information for employers on using the register of end-point assessment organisations.