Summer Camps at Cardiff and Vale College for budding game designers, hair and beauty experts and robotics engineers

Fancy a career as a game designer, hair and beauty expert of robotic engineer? Come to one of Cardiff and Vale College’s Summer Camps and find out how!
Throughout the summer the College is holding a series of special Summer Camps for 11 to 16-year-olds. The camps last for the maximum of a week and are designed to be a fun way to introduce young people to the basics of IT, hair and beauty and engineering.
CAVC has just held its first Tech Tournament Camp at the Microsoft risual Academy at its City centre Campus. The young people on the camp got to design their own computer game, working in small teams on programming systems, plus an advert for the game that they then pitched to judges. A further Tech Tournament Camp will be held in August.
For those who would rather follow in the footsteps of Zoella than Shigeru Miyamoto, there is the Hair and Beauty Camp. This will give young people the opportunity to get creative and learn new makeup and hair techniques with CAVC’s industry experts, covering a range of styling, workshops and even theatrical makeup styling at the College’s state of the art urbasba salon.
Or you can make your own robot at CAVC’s internationally renowned International Centre for Aerospace Training (ICAT) at Cardiff Airport. The Robotics Camp will involve a week of science and technology based activities, providing opportunities to explore the world of engineering. The 11 to 14-year-olds on this camp will get to build their own robot, make it Bluetooth controlled and use BBC Microbit to bring to life a robotic car.
Tech Tournament Camp
Age: 11-14
7th-10th August
Hair and beauty Camps
Age: 11-16
7th-10th August
Robotics Camp
Age: 11-14
7th-11th August
14th-18th August
For more details or to book a place click here.