The important contributions school leavers make to businesses

August’s results days are some of the most important markers in the education calendar.
Receiving GCSE or A Levels is a steppingstone to the next big venture and many school leavers will be looking to branch out – leaving education for the first time for the exciting world of work.
These new workers can be key to the development of your business. Not only can young workers help bring a fresh perspective to operations, they are often some of the most eager employees, bringing original ideas to a brand.
Attracting new talent can feel like a daunting prospect but, on the other hand, so is trying to find your first job. Companies must recognise the importance and privilege of giving a young worker their initial opportunity and what extra support is needed to ensure they thrive in the role.
Many school leavers will be looking at entering employment through an apprenticeship scheme. For them, apprenticeships are a great way to gain new skills, responsibilities and experiences while earning money at the same time.
For businesses, apprenticeships offer the opportunity to ‘grow your own’, instilling a strong ethos centred around your company and essentially moulding a worker from the very beginning.
According to Government statistics, 86 per cent of employers say apprenticeships have helped them develop skills relevant to their organisation. More than three quarters of employers (76 per cent) have reported improved productivity through apprenticeships, while 74 per cent saw an improvement in the quality of their product or service.
ACT is Wales’ leading training provider and currently works with more than 600 employers – including The British Heart Foundation, The Celtic Manor Resort, NHS Health Boards and the Welsh Ambulance Service – to provide apprenticeships that work for both employer and employee.
ACT has a high-skilled team of assessors and trainers based throughout Wales, all with extensive experience in their chosen industry. This gives peace of mind that training is being delivered by an expert who understands the needs, pressures, and sometimes unique requirements of your business and sector.
Hiring an apprentice can seem like a challenge but it is similar to how you would go about hiring for any other position – you advertise, interview and offer. In addition, ACT provides a fully-funded apprentice recruitment service should you require a little extra support.
ACT Managing Director, Richard Spear, said:
“ACT is all about ‘improving lives through learning’. It doesn’t matter what your exam results are, ACT has different options available for you. We are here to support individuals to develop their skills and gain employment with one of the hundreds of great employers we work with.
“For those young people who feel they need to develop their skills and confidence before entering the world of work, we also have the brilliant Jobs Growth Wales+ programme which provides inspiring training and development for 16–19 year olds.
“If you are keen to find out how hiring an apprentice could work for you, or you’ve just got your exam results and want help on your next steps, the team at ACT will be happy to help.”