Top tips for helping your child adjust to back to school

With schools having reopened after the long summer break, it is only natural that your child may be feeling a little apprehensive about heading back into the classroom. Some parents may be unsure how best to help their little ones navigate these feelings, so we asked the in-house education team at the tutoring company, GoStudent (@GoStudent1), to share their top tips and tricks.
Create an evening routine – One of the best ways to ease feelings of uncertainty is to create a routine that feels habitual and familiar. Set a bedtime and work hard to keep to it. As you approach that bedtime, do activities with your child that promote feelings of calm; such as reading together or listening to music. As part of this wind down routine, make it a habit to talk through what you have done that day, and what you plan to do the next day. This allows you to identify any worries that your child might have, and gives you space to discuss them, helping to settle their thoughts.
Maintain a positive attitude – It is important to remember that children are incredibly astute, and will sense if you are feeling anxious or concerned. While it is only natural that you may have some personal worries about your little one starting school, try to maintain a positive attitude when discussing school with, or within earshot of, them. Enthusiasm is key; and will go a long way towards helping you both to feel more comfortable. Why not make those first few weeks of the school year extra special by getting excited together about the first school project completed or library book read? Perhaps enjoy small rewards together, to mark these exciting milestones and special achievements.
Get academic help if needed – For some children, a big reason for back to school anxiety can be the schoolwork itself. If you are concerned that your child might be struggling in class, take time to talk to them about how they are feeling, where they are struggling and what they think they might need help with. By reassuring them that support is available, and that it is normal to struggle sometimes, the classroom can feel like a far less scary place.
It might be that you can offer them support at home, or that you can speak to their teacher about offering a little extra guidance. Alternatively, there are numerous resources available to help, including 1:1 tutoring services like GoStudent, that can tackle specific worries head on, as well as online games, videos and quizzes, that might present the subject they are struggling with in a different way, making it easier to comprehend.