#AntiRacismInAction: Deconstructing the Black Paradox | S2 Ep7

By the *Black Leadership Group (BLG): #AntiRacismInAction: Deconstructing the Black Paradox with co-Founders and BFELG Directors: Amarjit Basi, Robin Landman OBE, Stella Ngozi Mbubaegbu CBE and Janak Patel.
BLG uses *Black as an inclusive definition to refer to people from ethnically diverse backgrounds who share a lived experience of the effects of racism.
The 77h and final episode of Season 2 BFELG Livestreams #AntiRacismInAction – Making the Most of an Ethnically Diverse Britain, aired today, March 23.
Episode 7 focused on deconstructing the Black Paradox through the lens of the BFELG’s 2nd Annual Conference Challenging the Black Paradox, a 4 nation, cross-sector event, and its objectives. Highlights of the Conference included the Keynote Conference Address by Vaughan Gething MS – Minister for the Economy, Wales, the BFELG Signature Presentation, ‘The Black Paradox’, by Amarjit Basi and Robin Landman OBE, and the Provocation Closing Keynote by Rosemary Campbell-Stephens MBE. The Conference was produced and compèred by Stella Ngozi Mbubaegbu CBE.
Today’s guests, Amarjit, Robin and Stella were well placed, therefore, to discuss the topic, deconstructing the ‘Black Paradox’. The Episode was hosted by Gavin O’Meara (CEO and Head of Digital, FE News). Gavin chaired one of the Roundtables at the Conference.
Introducing the Episode by means of the pre-Conference video which had been sent to all participants, the four founding BFELG Directors, Amarjit Basi, Robin Landman OBE, Stella Mbubaegbu CBE and, Janak Patel, trailed responses to the key question ‘What is the Black Paradox?’
Following the introduction, and in conversation with Gavin, Amarjit, Robin, and Stella reflected on the Conference and shared their thoughts on topics ranging from the concept of the ‘Black Paradox’ and its impact on society, to how this plays out across sectors and nations. They gave examples of how BFELG affiliated organisations, allies and members are taking bold steps to dismantle and deconstruct the Black Paradox as discussed and showcased during the Conference. They stressed the imperative for collective responsibility and joined-up action to challenge the ‘Black Paradox’. They called out *Black people who act in ways that help to maintain systemic racism.
Stella, Robin, and Amarjit also summarised some of their personal high points from the Conference and the next steps for the Group as the BFELG transitions into the new Black Leadership Group in order to embrace its growing membership beyond FE and in response to requests to extend its work on Anti-racism to diverse sectors.
Like Season 1, Season 2 has been a fantastic collaboration between BFELG and FE News. Episode 1 aired on Wednesday 2 February and has been followed by a fantastic feast of 30 minute weekly broadcasts. With 6 of 7 Episodes introduced by a public figure and influencer sharing what #AntiRacismInAction means to them, the Season has taken us on another rich journey across the UK. Guests have included a diverse range of stakeholders from the world of education, private, voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors. There were great examples of collaborative leadership, sector and place-based leadership creating opportunities to tackle, with determination, institutional, regional and national challenges in the area of racism.
Watch the full Episode 7, the Season 2 finale special, to hear Amarjit, Robin, Gavin and Stella share their individual dream scenarios for #AntiRacismInAction that deconstructs and dismantles the ‘Black Paradox’.
Stella Ngozi Mbubaegbu CBE, Black Leadership Group UK