What is the Chancellor’s vision to grow the economy? Even ChatGPT gets a mention. FE Soundbite edition 679

Welcome to FE Soundbite edition 679. What is the Chancellors vision to grow the economy? Even ChatGPT gets a mention and a starring role! This is the weekly e-newsletter and e-journal brought to you be FE News ISSN 2732-4095. We know life is busy, so here is a snapshot of the latest announcements and cool thought leadership articles from influencers and cool thinkers across FE and Skills this week on FE News.
This week on FE News we had exclusive articles from AELP, IfATE, a Maths to 18 mini series, reflections on the SET22 conference, Prevent Policy, Neurodiversity, Apprenticeship Progress reviews, diversity in STEM… and can you believe Apprenticeship Standards are 10 years old?
Did you spot that ChatGPT had a starring role in the Chancellor’s vision to Grow the economy?
Now Jeremy Hunt is a bit of a EdTech dark horse, this is the guy who co-founded Hotcourses back in 1990! So he knows a thing or two about emerging tech. So when the Chancellor mentions ChatGPT and even uses it for his speech.. you know this is a thing! We have a cool sector reaction piece to the Chancellor’s vision to Grow the economy.
I have had many a coffee, and even the odd beer with my mate Stefan Drew chatting about skills for the jobs of the future, education, EdTech… and AI. Like for 10 years+ Stefan has been talking about how cool AI could be for FE. So I would highly recommend checking out his latest article (he even came out of retirement to write it;) Does AI Mark The End of Traditional Teaching?
Did you check out our Maths to 18 mini series this week?
We had a very cool Maths to 18 mini series this week, with a lot of different perspectives from across the FE and Skills Eco-system. Well maybe not such a mini series, as we had a Maths to 18 exclusive article per day this week!
My personal favourite title was Lee Reddington’s: Does 16+2 = Maths Misery for All? We also had cool Maths to 18 articles from my mate Saf: Unlocking the real-world potential of Mathematics: We need to make Maths education more relevant and engaging, Dr. Anantha Duraiappah, Director at UNESCO MGIEP on Mind over matter- Will more Maths improve society? , Fleur Sexton with Maths for a reason, not a requirement and Josh Hillman: Post-16 maths and the solution that already exists.
That is a lot of Maths articles!
Did you know Apprenticeship Standards are 10 years old?
My mate Chris Cherry wrote a cool article: Apprenticeship Standards – Ten years and counting. Pardon, I must be getting ancient, as it seems like a few years ago? Next thing I’ll be going on about how old Police officers are!?
Another good friend to FE News is Lou from Mesma who wrote another really helpful article: Improving apprenticeship progress reviews
Qualification Reform
IfATE’s Karl Anderson wrote a cool article: Level 2 and 3 qualification reforms – a forward look and AELP’s Simon Ashworth is always worth a read.. and this article is a cracker: Mandatory qualification reform – a step forward but more improvements needed
Gemma from MH&A wrote a really helpful Prevent article: Checking in with Prevent policy: self-assessment tool pointers.
Diversity and being the best way can to bring about effective change
I love the title of the SET22 round up from Lynne and Mozz: Let’s be the best that we can be to bring about effective change… if that doesn’t stir you to want to read more… what will?
Gavin Hoole writes about: Neurodiverse youth in development and transition and how to help them
Now many of you will know my wife is an Engineer, so this article by Magda hits all of the right buttons for me: To meaningfully increase gender diversity in STEM, the government needs to support the right people
A new member of the FE News Family is on his way!
Now you know I mentioned I posted a Platform Growth Manager job last Friday lunchtime… well by 3pm Thursday we found a new member of the team and the FE News Family.
I should probably wait until he starts in a month, but my word, I am soooo over excited to start working with Hads! Your going to love him, I won’t spoil the surprise, but people keep saying to me, (even writing it on Christmas cards)… FE News is going strength to strength! Which is lovely, seeing this is our 20th anniversary…. but hold onto your hats, you thought I was a bundle of creative ideas and fizz… just wait until Hads joins the team! Wow, I can’t wait to see what we can step into next. Watch this space, its about to go BOOOOMMM!
Coming next week:
My word, the content has been just getting better and better on FE News in 2023! I don’t usually like to spoil the surprise… but next week we have a show stopper of an article with an exclusive Q&A with Ofsted and the team asked if we could put a very deliberate effort of attention and energy … and share a bit of FE News love towards a really cool campaign called #TimeToTalk!
Change of mindset and the team convinced me to try something new
For the past 20 years, giving to charity has been really important to me and FE News…. it is just the right thing to do, we’ve basically done it in secret as we didn’t do it to look good, but try and be good… but we had a team get together this week and the team helped flip my mindset.
We will continue to financially give in secret to charities (I don’t even want the charities to know we’ve given to them)… but the team explained to me that somethings are best done not in secret, and we can actually ‘give’ in different ways. So #TimeToTalk is an experiment for us to give time, energy and focus to a really worthwhile charity and I think having a couple of charities per year that have some special FE News community love is a good thing. So I invite you to come and join us on supporting #TimeToTalk next week. It could literally transform someone’s life.
Anyway.. I hope you enjoy FE Soundbite this week!… and don’t forget to check out FE News next week, some epic content and articles are on their way!