Futures Support 300+ Parents with Family Learning

All parents want their children to do well. But things have changed a lot since their school days and it can be difficult for parents to navigate an ever developing school curriculum.
Futures have been delivering Family Learning since November 2018 and since then have worked with over 300 parents and carers across 45 schools and community centres.
Family Learning encourages parents and children to learnand develop their skills together through fun and practical activities.
The courses give parents and carers the opportunity to understand the methods and skills children learn at school, as well as a chance to share ideas with other parents and improve upon valuable skills as an adult.
Christina Vessey is a Family Learning tutor who delivers the workshops. She works with parents and carers to help them to gain confidence, learn new skills and interact with their children at home. Christina has recently finished a Safe Surfers course at Hyson Green Community Centre with a group of 7 Bengali ladies, English being their second language.
“On day one of the course they lacked confidence when speaking in English for fear of saying the incorrect words, using incorrect grammar or tense. They were quiet and reserved but as the course progressed their English improved, along with their confidence. By the end of the course they expressed how much they had enjoyed the course and looked forward to another course with me as their tutor.” Christina Vessey, Family Learning Tutor