The Manchester College students film the Archbishop of Canterbury for a prestigious cathedral conference.

Film and TV students at The Manchester College used their industry standard creative and technical skills when they filmed an interview with the leader of the Church of England.
Archbishop Justin Welby is the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury and the most senior bishop in the Church of England. Through links with Manchester Cathedral, The Manchester College students were invited to film an address and interview with the Archbishop at his London home in Lambeth Palace.
The footage will be shown at the opening of the ‘Sacred Spaces: Common Ground’ conference at Manchester Cathedral in September. This prestigious event is the first time over 400 cathedral clergy, lay staff and Chapter and Council members will gather to discuss the future direction of Cathedrals, with the Archbishops of Canterbury and York addressing attendees.
The same students will also be attending the conference to film and edit short vox pops, which will be used to close the conference. They will also be working as event assistants and managers throughout the four day gathering.
Not only did the College students gain valuable industry standard work experience during their London trip by setting up and producing the short film, but they also enjoyed exploring the capital, and were treated to a tour of Westminster Abbey and the Horseguards Parade.
Louise Orgill, Departmental Team Leader – Business, Computing & Creative Digital Industries, said: “The staff and students had a thoroughly enjoyable day and it was fantastic to see them working so professionally and to tight deadlines.
“It was a fantastic day and we’re all very proud of them.”
Gillian Kelly, Head of Department, added: “The students were a credit to the college and very professional.”