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Walsall College careers and student journey team congratulated for the quality of their service

Walsall College’s careers and student journey team has received a Matrix Award reaccreditation for providing a clear, informed and impartial service. Matrix is the quality framework for organisations to assess and measure their information, advice and guidance services.

The College first achieved the standard in 2007. Not only were they recently judged to have maintained the standard, the team also received praised for moving forward with their services in order for them to remain relevant to all their 16-19 year-old full-time students, adult learners and apprentices.

Carol Egan, Director of Student Journey, said:

“Delivering excellent services to our students is at the heart of Walsall College. For the careers service in particular, this means ensuring that everyone has access to high quality information, advice and guidance to help raise their aspirations and inform their decision making regarding study and career goals.”

It is a requirement of the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) that education providers hold the Matrix standard.

Assessors met with students and staff and looked at the organisation’s leadership and management, resources, service delivery and continuous improvement.

They highlighted the college’s clear focus on career guidance and impartiality when outlining different options for individuals. The Student Journey team also received praised for its strong links with curriculum teams as well as the visibility and accessibility of its Careers Resource Centre at their main campus.

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