Kura announces target for all journeys being carbon-neutral

The UK’s largest home-to-school shared transport specialist, Kura, has announced plans to reduce and offset carbon emissions on all its journeys, allowing its education and corporate customers to enjoy carbon-neutral journeys and creating safer, greener, smarter travel for all.
As part of Kura’s new climate pledge to provide safer, greener, smarter travel, it has partnered with climate and sustainable development expert ClimateCare to offset the carbon emissions associated with providing shared transport solutions to schools and businesses. As well as taking actions to reduce its footprint through replacing cars on the road with greener shared transport, unavoidable emissions will be offset through a portfolio of ClimateCare projects that both tackle emissions and provide social benefits.
With the partnership having launched on February 1st 2022, every transport booking by new Kura customers will have their carbon emissions calculated and offset as part of the service. Existing Kura customers will be phased onto the carbon-offset programme during contract renewals.
Finally, in an innovative development Kura will also be offering a carbon-offset opportunity to its software customers as an opt-in, to allow them to offset the carbon they produce with their own transport. Kura will also provide customers with updates on how the projects they have helped to fund are progressing.
Godfrey Ryan, CEO of Kura states, “We are on a path to emission-free travel but given that electric buses are not yet widely available, this is a step on the journey to take immediate action now. We are delighted to work with experts in this sector, ClimateCare. They have over 20 years’ experience running some of the most innovative and largest voluntary carbon offset programmes in the world. Working with them has allowed us to take full responsibility for our carbon footprint and integrate action to tackle climate change and improve people’s lives.”
The ClimateCare portfolio Kura is helping to fund through its offset programme includes two world-leading clean cooking projects in Bangladesh and Ghana. These projects cut carbon emissions, helping to tackle climate change, while improving lives by halving fuel bills for families and reducing exposure to toxic fumes. Additionally, by cutting fuel requirements, the projects reduce deforestation – protecting precious habitat.
James White, Senior Sustainability Executive for ClimateCare explained, “We work with forward-thinking companies like Kurato turn their climate responsibilities into positive outcomes. In particular, we help organisations take a smart approach to addressing their environmental impacts by offsetting their carbon emissions through projects which also support sustainable development.”
Kura enables schools and businesses to maximise the safety, wellbeing and productivity of their students and employees, while driving down transport costs and CO2 emissions. By bringing together leading-edge proprietary technology and a nationwide network of vehicle operators, the business now manages a UK-wide virtual fleet of 40,000 vehicles and works with schools, multi academy trusts and local authorities, tracking over 400 routes daily on home-to-school services for over 15,000 pupils.
For more information on Kura, please visit https://ridekura.com/
For more information on ClimateCare, please visit: www.climatecare.org