MP, Daniel Zeichner shares expertise with Cambridge Regional College students

On Friday 22nd April, Students’ Union president Nathan Smith welcomed MP, Daniel Zeichner to Cambridge Regional College for a meeting with student representatives.
With the ever-changing landscape in colleges, and the need to represent a diverse community, the student representatives were seeking to extract the professional knowledge and expertise that Daniel has accumulated as a long-standing member of parliament representing a large constituency. In particular, the group were looking to gain an understanding of how to articulate the view of others and the traits of good leadership.
Deputy Principal, Michelle Dowse said, “We are very proud of our strong student voice at CRC and of our proactive Students’ Union who work with college management to bring about change and to undertake excellent work in our community. Our Students’ Union, Student Leaders and Student Ambassadors represent a large and diverse student community. We were delighted that Daniel visited the college to share his experience of and provide our students with tools to represent the views of their peers with confidence.”
Daniel opened the meeting with an insight into his own journey to community representation and the diverse role he fulfils as a member of parliament, from making global changes to sorting out issues for individual constituents.
Highlighting that there is often a bigger picture to each situation, Daniel explained that seeing things from all angles gives a greater insight into how best to represent people to achieve positive outcomes.
The group went on to consider the key skills required of a good leader, such as listening, empathy and being able to relate to those you are representing, and Daniel opened the floor for input on what the group have learnt in their respective roles at the college.
To conclude the meeting, the student representatives sought advice on encouraging more people to stand as student representatives, as the team prepare for the 2022/23 elections. Daniel encouraged the student representatives to maintain ongoing visibility and promote the positive changes that are being made to the community.Daniel Zeicher, MP, said, “I praise you all on your skills and confidence. You have an exciting journey ahead, and I hope to see some of you in Parliament one day.”
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