14-16 Hospitality and Catering student wins ‘Student of the Term’

@HughBaird 14-16 College student, Jake Stephenson, recently won the 14-16 Hospitality and Catering ‘Student of the Term’ award.
Alongside studying compulsory GCSE’s, students at the 14-16 College have the opportunity to study a vocational pathway, these include; Construction; Hair and Beauty; Health and Social Care; Hospitality and Catering; Motor Vehicle Engineering; or The Visitor Economy (Travel and Tourism).
At the end of each term, a student from each vocational pathway has the opportunity to win the ‘Student of the Term’ award. The award is awarded to those students who have made the most progress in their vocational area.
This term, Jake was awarded the prize due to the progress he has made towards completing his Level 2 qualification in Hospitality and Catering. Since September, Jake has massively increased in confidence, both academically and personally. His confidence has grown and has shown a great deal of commitment to his course.
Andy Howard, Director of Curriculum at Hugh Baird 14-16 College, said:
“The 14-16 College provides the opportunity for students to complete their compulsory education, and gain their essential qualifications, whilst starting their college career early. Having the opportunity to access the high-quality vocational areas that the College offers is an amazing experience for our 14-16 College students and it is so good to see Jake exemplifying the attitudes and behaviours necessary to excel in College.”