20% of adults in the UK are innumerate – But it doesn’t have to be this way!

Maths Explained – a low stress way to improve numeracy.
Say the word ‘maths’ and many people panic. Memories of times tables, tricky lessons and difficult tests abound. It has a reputation for being dry and difficult. For people with dyscalculia (a specific learning difficulty with mathematics) the difficulty is even greater.
It’s estimated that over 20% of adults in the UK are innumerate. Only 22% have skills equivalent to a GCSE grade C. Poor numeracy skills have a direct impact on productivity at work, and costs the UK economy £20.2 billion each year.*
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Maths Explained is a collection of video tutorials from Professor Steve Chinn. They teach understanding for basic key maths topics, such as fractions and division.
Steve has over forty years’ experience successfully teaching students who had failed when taught by ‘traditional’ methods. The approach behind the tutorials is based on research from around the world on how children and adults can learn to understand and succeed in maths. It is a research-based, learner-based teaching philosophy combined with a pragmatic pedagogy.
Steve believes that people can be competent at maths, no matter their background or aptitude. He knows that maths skills have a positive impact on everyday life, particularly when it comes to employment opportunities.
Maths Explained is for anyone who has trouble with numbers – and will help that trouble be a thing of the past.
Maths Explained is low cost, it’s also low stress. The videos and worksheets teach in a simple and visual way that engages the learner. Based on decades of hands-on experience they explain why people find maths difficult and how to address those issues.
The methods, the teaching approach, the experience and (international) research behind Maths Explained make the lessons accessible. They teach an understanding of maths which is a far more reliable approach than methods that rely so heavily on memory.
The videos explain maths from the beginning, developing an understanding of and confidence in using numbers and maths. They are designed to address and circumvent the learning barriers that prevent so many people from succeeding in maths.
Each tutorial can be watched, as a whole or in parts as often as the user wishes and whenever the user wishes. Tutors and students can work together. They are not age specific, and are open to people at any stage in life.
‘Dyscalculia is a condition that affects the ability to acquire mathematical skills. Dyscalculic learners may have a difficulty understanding simple number concepts, lack an intuitive grasp of numbers, and have problems learning number facts and procedures Even if they produce a correct answer or use a correct method, they may do so mechanically and without confidence.’ The National Numeracy Strategy, 2001
‘Difficulties in production or comprehension of quantities, numerical symbols, or basic arithmetic operations that are not consistent with the person’s chronological age, educational opportunities, or intellectual abilities.’ DSM-5, American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 2013
About Professor Steve Chinn: Founder and Principal of Mark College, Somerset, a specialist school for students with dyslexia and dyscalculia, during his 19 years of setting up and running Mark College it was awarded Beacon School Status by the DfE and the first Award for Excellence by the Independent Schools’ Association.
Steve was a co-founder and then Chair of CReSTeD. He was Chair of the BDA’s 3rd International Conference. He received the BDA Lifetime Achievement Award in 2017. He was the first Chair of the BDA’s dyscalculia committee.
Steve is a visiting professor at the University of Derby. He has lectured and provided INSET and CPD in over 30 countries worldwide (including consultancy for the MOE in Singapore) and at many major conferences. He set up the UK’s first PG training course for maths and dyslexia, accredited by the BDA for an AMBDA (Numeracy). The course was delivered for four years under Mark College’s Beacon School funding.
As well as writing maths books, worksheets and tests, Steve has contributed chapters to many books, including ‘Dyslexia and Mathematics’ the first UK book on this topic. He has also published many papers and articles. The first edition of ‘The Trouble with Maths’ won a TES/nasen award in 2004. The 3rd edition was published in 2016. The 4th edition of his ‘seminal’ book, ‘Mathematics for Dyslexics and Dyscalculics’ was published in 2017. ‘More Trouble with Maths’, now in 2nd edition, is a comprehensive manual, including tests, for diagnosing Mathematical Learning Difficulties and dyscalculia.
His video tutorials, Maths Explained, have sold in 26 countries. His most recent projects were catch-up materials for Numicon/OUP Big Ideas and a 2nd edition of the BDA 40th Anniversary best-selling book, Mathematics Learning Difficulties, Dyslexia and Dyscalculia.
* Skills for Life 2011; PIAAC 2014; National Numeracy YouGov Survey 2014